Friday, November 25, 2005

3-O Day

I officially announce today the 3-O Day. That means today all words containing two consecutive 'o's will be spellt with three consecutive 'o's, e.g. 'tooo' instead of 'too', 'loook' instead of 'look', so on and so forth.

Every fifth year the 3-O Day will be celebrated as the 30-O Day, e.g. 'gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo' instead of 'goo'.

The 3-O Day is not to be mistaken with the 3-E day ('seee' instead of 'see') which is on February 17th. It is still a matter of debate whether there will be a 30-E Day and if so, every howmanieth year.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Cats are like... blue paint. They make you blue.