Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Left: It's manipulation.
Right: With money.
Me-dle: It's moneypul*ation.

*'pul' is Farsi for 'money'.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What crime could possibly fit this punishment?

9:49 pm  
Blogger Yasmean said...


10:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the scrap. Was it really you? What's your email? email me: hoder@hoder.com

10:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything you need to know about the world is on this page, if you look carefully.

Even if you are foreign, and I see from your web page that you are a bit foreign, Jesus still loves you sometimes, even if not quite as much as he loves white people.

We have a plan, I mean, Jesus has a plan, to fix up the dirty parts of the world, like yours, and wouldn't it be nice to have a nice happy neighbourhood, instead of angry dirty people yelling un-Christian things and wishing bad things on dear Israel.

So, I hope you can learn to pray properly, like us, because guns and bombs cannot do it all by themselves. Faith is needed. And Faith is Made In America, like everything worth having.

I'd like to share this thought from our web site. I hope you will pray for Ms Rice, and Mr President, as they work so hard to improve things for all you poor people. They never think of themselves. They listen to Jesus and shoot exactly where he tells them. Every bullet and big bomb is doing God's work and you should be thankful. And the money that they make in good honest trade to good countries, such as their clean factories that make high quality munitions, is doing good works too! They spend it all on food and schools and DVD players for the good African people of Tehran.

Ah yes, the passage. Please read carefully, or have a white person read it for you:

' “Blessed are the peacemakers” said Jesus in his famous Sermon on the Mount. Along with others, our Secretary of State, Condolezza Rice, is attempting to play that role in the present complicated conflict between Israel and the Hezbollah. She certainly doesn’t have an easy task. She is no doubt aware of this even more than we are. The best way we can help out is through our faithful prayer support. '

I hope you will let Jesus into your humble cave, or whatever it is you live in. One day you can have a photograph of Florida, but only if you pray hard!!!!!!!

5:19 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In politics, it’s crucial not to be overwhelmed by irony.

Nobody knows what will happen in the Middle East. But if the U. S. and France, working through the U. N. Security Council, have succeeded in negotiating a lasting cease-fire between Hezbollah and Israel, the temptation will be to make jokes. How long ago was it that a (pardon my French) rapprochement with France would have been deemed suspect by all hairy-chested, God-fearing Americans ? Diplomacy may fail. Powerful forces inside the Bush administration are trying to circumvent it. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, like her predecessor Colin Powell, is ridiculed as an incompetent weakling by the same geniuses who predicted a “cakewalk” in Iraq. True, Rice may not be the second coming of George Marshall, but they liked her fine when she was emitting warlike noises and “end times” gibberish.

The stakes are higher than many Americans understand. Should the ceasefire hold, French diplomats and U. N. bureaucrats will have rescued Israel and Hezbollah from a conflict both appear to have blundered into, saving countless civilian lives. A brokered peace also would confound neo-conservative zealots eager to start what Newt Gingrich excitedly calls World War III to “defend civilization.” As such, a cease-fire could mark the beginning of the end of a period of temporary insanity in American life. Or not.

Writing in the newspaper Haaretz, Israeli diplomat Daniel Levy offers a history lesson: “In 1996 a group of then-opposition U. S. policy agitators, including Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, presented a paper entitled ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm’ to incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The ‘clean break’ was from the prevailing peace process, advocating that Israel pursue a combination of rollback, destabilization and containment in the region, including striking at Syria and removing Saddam Hussein from power in favor of ‘Hashemite’ [Jordanian ] control in Iraq.”

Alas, even Netanyahu’s far-right government showed no enthusiasm. (If the U. S. Army can’t control Iraq’s Shiite militias, how could Jordan ?) Similarly recalcitrant were Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and Ariel Sharon, who as an army general led the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, resulting in a disastrous 18-year occupation. His military credentials in order, Sharon answered Hezbollah provocation with small-scale counter-attacks and negotiation.

Levy again: “The key neo-con protagonists, their think tanks and publications may be unfamiliar to many Israelis, but they are redefining the region we live in. This tight-knit group of ‘defense intellectuals’ —centered around [Weekly Standard editor ] Bill Kristol, Michael Ledeen, Elliott Abrams, Perle, Feith and others—were considered somewhat offbeat until they teamed up with hawkish well-connected Republicans like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Newt Gingrich, and with the emerging powerhouse of the Christian right. Their agenda was an aggressive unilateralist U. S. global supremacy, a radical vision of transformative regime-change democratization, with a fixation on the Middle East, an obsession with Iraq and an affinity to ‘old Likud’ politics in Israel. Their extended moment in the sun arrived after 9 / 11.”

And a catastrophic mess they’ve made of it. All save Gingrich signed a “Project for a New American Century” position paper urging an attack on Iraq years before 9 / 11, part of a grandiose scheme for world domination that would have credited a James Bond villain or V. I. Lenin.

Achieving high rank in President Simple’s administration, the neo-cons—no war veterans among them—convinced him that removing Saddam Hussein, a secular military dictator, was crucial to defeating al-Qa’ida religious fanatics hiding in Pakistani caves several time zones away. With a grateful citizenry strewing rose petals in their path, American liberators would turn Iraq into an Arab Switzerland.

Now they’re eager to double down on that calamitous bet. The Jerusalem Post recently reported that Israeli defense officials received “indications from the U. S. that America would be interested in seeing Israel attack Syria.” Thankfully, sources told veteran American reporter Robert Parry, even hawkish cabinet members think that’s “nuts.” After the smoke clears, Israel, a functioning democracy, will doubtless investigate.

Since the fall of Baghdad, moreover, some neo-cons have joked that “real men go to Tehran.” U. S. intelligence sources can find no evidence that Iran controls Hezbollah’s actions, although they arm Lebanon’s Shiite militia as surely as the U. S. sponsors Israel. Neo-cons see one last chance to achieve their megalomaniacal daydreams before the November congressional elections, provoking a war whose scale—from the Mediterranean to the Himalayas—most Americans don’t comprehend, and which couldn’t be “won” without resorting to nuclear weapons. The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh contends that the Pentagon is resisting White House pressures to plan exactly that. Daniel Levy thinks that “disentangling Israeli interests from the rubble of neocon ‘creative destruction’ in the Middle East has become an urgent challenge for Israeli policy-makers.” Had George W. Bush heeded France in 2003, allowing United Nations inspectors to document that Iraq harbored no weapons of mass destruction, today’s situation wouldn’t be so scary. This time, Americans need to listen.

8:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, Gene, you clearly don't realise it's okay for one "functioning democracy" to suggest helpful ideas to another.

I suppose you think democracy looks like this piece of clever situationist theatre. My, those actors got a bit carried away there. They're very talented. Haha. In fact, it looks like some people didn't get the joke and thought this was real!! You've got to learn the difference between real democracy in action and a big fat prank, Gene.

Like our playful motto: "If you don't like democracy, we're gonna lock you up and beat you until you do(TM)" - It's just a lark! Of course we don't really mean it. We're a democracy, so that kind of thing can't really happen. Of course not all democracy is good. It depends who's voting.

Didn't they teach you that at school, Gene? Maybe you skipped some important classes. Remember: White people good. Brown people bad. Good ole boy. Bad liberal. It's obvious really, if you watch CNN. You're getting some bad information somewhere Gene. You should get some help.

1:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was mid-October 2001, and night was closing in on the border city of Peshawar, in Pakistan, as my friend - a reporter and political man of letters - approached a market stall and began to haggle over a batch of T-shirts bearing the likeness of Osama bin Laden. It is forbidden, in Sunni Islam, to depict the human form, lest it lead to idolatry; but here was Osama's lordly visage, on display and on sale right outside the mosque. The mosque now emptied, after evening prayers, and my friend was very suddenly and very thoroughly surrounded by a shoving, jabbing, jeering brotherhood: the young men of Peshawar.

At this time of day, their equivalents, in the great conurbations of Europe and America, could expect to ease their not very sharp frustrations by downing a lot of alcohol, by eating large meals with no dietary restrictions, by racing around to one another's apartments in powerful and expensive machines, by downing a lot more alcohol as well as additional stimulants and relaxants, by jumping up and down for several hours on strobe-lashed dancefloors, and (in a fair number of cases) by having galvanic sex with near-perfect strangers. These diversions were not available to the young men of Peshawar.

11:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pul the other one, it plays jingle bells.

9:38 pm  

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